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Hello World!

In theory, I am not starting a new blog — in practice, I am. I have both a compulsive desire to keep things clean, and a compulsive desire to just keep things. Those desires occasionally clash, which is why I haven’t deleted my other blog, but have started this one. Enjoy…

~ Ben

“Ramblings” – Gender Neutrality!?

This is insane! Some pre-schools in Sweden are pushing for gender neutrality by not calling boys and girls “boys and girls”; but instead insisting they be called “hens” or “buddies’ – thus removing any “labeling” that could damage the child or limit them to specific roles. What!? Boys and girls HAVE specific roles. They ARE different because they are MADE to do different things. This can only end poorly, with confusion abounding as to who they really are and what they are meant to do! I am a man, my son is a man and my wife is a woman. God has granted each of us a role, and through His strength, we will fill that role to the best of our manly (or womanly) abilities. Period.

“Quotes” – Ansel Adams

“Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter.” — Ansel Adams

“Ramblings” – Temple Run

So lately, I have been addicted to the iPhone game, Temple Run. You know, the one where you take an idol from a cave and monkeys burst forth chasing you through a dilapidated maze full of coins and power-ups! Anywho, I was thinking about that today and how it relates to our spiritual walk – it’s been slow day, and I had powdered doughnuts for lunch (just humor me)! Anyway, that game is a lot like our walk through this world… Read more…

“Ramblings” – Bert & Ernie (& TomTom)

“Quotes” – Thomas Paine

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” — Thomas Paine